
It takes healing to be able to look at yourself and be completely honest about who you have been. With healing you realize that in some situations you really WERE the asshole. In some situations, you were an ASKHOLE (not listening to others and being completely stubborn in your ways). You can clearly see where you traded something that could have been wonderful for a learning experience instead.This is where the truth comes out- if you have healed you can own your part without becoming the victim of your circumstances. You can clearly see what part you played and can process it without placing blame on others’ reactions or actions towards you. And while you can see your part, you don’t live there. You don’t give up on yourself –Healing is such an incredible journey, and it is so personal. You must do it alone. But you are not alone in the process because those who love you are there cheering you on. They are helping you to refocus- they just are not doing it FOR you. The work is yours alone. But the reward is yours to share!When you heal you can show up authentically and unapologetically. You can accept the present. The now. When you heal you do not live in fear, you do not force, you simply rest. You truly live.

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