
How we treat others is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves.If we are kind and merciful and giving it is because we desire that in our own lives. We understand the harshness of life and want to bless rather than hurt another person.If we are judgemental and critical it is because we are unhappy with our own lives, and by passing judgement, it eases some of our discontentment with ourselves.If we gossip it is because we’re trying to justify our own faults, thinking, “well at least I am NOT them.”If we lie it is because we are afraid – of what others may think, how they may treat us, or if we will be accepted for our true selves.I believe that our character is defined by how we treat others- despite how they treat us. It is very easy to return hate and anger when that is what we are given. It takes much more strength to be kind, loving, and forgiving.I have often been ridiculed for loving too much. For caring beyond what is reasonable.And for giving my entire self to help another…But I ask you this,What good is it to me to have someone feel the same pain I have inside? How do I benefit by being cruel and uncaring?It is far more rewarding to me and eases my pain to see another succeed and be blessed. To feel the excitement in their heart for good that has come their way. It brings me hope. And without hope, we truly have nothing.I love you all.

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